- Background
- Neovim-based IDE for R
- Parallel R with batchtools
- References
December 18, 2020
Some useful RStudio shortcuts:
: send code to R consoleCtrl+Alt+Enter
: send code to terminalCtrl+Shift+C
: comment/uncommentCtrl+1/2
: switch window focusURLs: 1. main page, 2. HPCC manual, 3. custom installs
Animated screenshot of Nvim-R (from here)
The following opens a file (here myfile.txt
) with nvim (or vim). This can be a new file or an existing one.
nvim myfile.txt # for neovim (or 'vim myfile.txt' for vim)
In Vim/Nvim there are three main modes: normal, insert and command mode. The most important commands for switching between the three modes are:
: switches from the normal to the insert mode. The latter is used for typing.Esc
: switches from the insert mode back to the normal mode.:
: starts the command mode (from normal mode) at the bottom of the terminal window.The cursor is moved with the arrow keys. In Nvim one can also enable mouse-based movements of the cursor. Fn Up/Down
allows to page. In the following, all commands starting with :
need to be typed in the command mode. All other commands are typed in the normal mode after pushing the Esc
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: saves changes to file. If in editing mode, Esc
needs to be pressed first.:q
: quits file that has not been changed; use q!
to quit file without saving changes.:wq
: saves and quits fileNvim-r
plugin it provides a flexible working environment for RSkip these steps if Nvim-R-Tmux is already configured in your account. Or follow the detailed instructions to install Nvim-R-Tmux from scratch on your own system (e.g. laptop or computer).
1. Log in to your user account on HPCC and execute on the command-line:
2. To enable the nvim-R-tmux environment, log out and in again.
3. Follow usage instructions of next section.
1. Start tmux session from login node (not compute node!)
Running Nvim from tmux provides reattachment functionality. Skip this step if this is not required.
tmux # starts a new tmux session tmux a # attaches to an existing session
2. Open nvim-connected R session
Open a *.R
or *.Rmd
file with nvim
and initialize a connected R session with \rf
. Note, the resulting split window among Nvim and R behaves like a split viewport in nvim
or vim
meaning the usage of Ctrl-w w
followed by i
and Esc
is important for session navigation.
nvim myscript.R # or *.Rmd file
3. Send R code from nvim to the R pane
Single lines of code can be sent from nvim to the R console by pressing the space bar. To send several lines at once, one can select them in nvim’s visual mode and then hit the space bar.
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. This key binding has been remapped in the provided .config/nvim/init.vim
file to the space bar. Most other key bindings (shortcuts) still start with the \
as LocalLeader, e.g. \rh
opens the help for a function/object where the cursor is located in nvim. More details on this are given on the next slide(s).Nvim-R
documentation here.\rf
: opens vim-connected R session. If you do this the first time in your user account, you might be asked to create an R
directory under ~/
. If so approve this action by pressing y
: sends code from vim to R; here remapped in init.vim
from default \l
or :vsplit
: splits viewport (similar to pane split in tmux)gz
: maximizes size of viewport in normal mode (similar to Tmux’s Ctrl-a z
zoom utility)Ctrl-w w
: jumps cursor to R viewport and back; toggle between insert (i
) and command (Esc
) mode is required for navigation and controlling the environment.Ctrl-w r
: swaps viewportsCtrl-w =
: resizes splits to equal size:resize <+5 or -5>
: resizes height by specified value[ Scroll down to continue ]
:vertical resize <+5 or -5>
: resizes width by specified valueCtrl-w H
or Ctrl-w K
: toggles between horizontal/vertical splitsCtrl-spacebar
: omni completion for R objects/functions when nvim is in insert mode. Note, this has been remapped in init.vim
from difficult to type default Ctrl-x Ctrl-o
.:h nvim-R
: opens nvim-R’s user manual; navigation works the same as for any Vim/Nvim help document:Rhelp fct_name
: opens help for a function from nvim’s command mode with text completion supportCtrl-s and Ctrl-x
: freezes/unfreezes vim (some systems)Pane-level commands
Ctrl-a %
: splits pane verticallyCtrl-a "
: splits pane horizontallyCtrl-a o
: jumps cursor to next paneCtrl-a Ctrl-o
: swaps panesCtrl-a <space bar>
: rotates pane arrangementCtrl-a Alt <left or right>
: resizes to left or rightCtrl-a Esc <up or down>
: resizes to left or rightWindow-level comands
Ctrl-a n
: switches to next tmux windowCtrl-a Ctrl-a
: switches to previous tmux windowCtrl-a c
: creates a new tmux windowCtrl-a 1
: switches to specific tmux window selected by numberSession-level comands
Ctrl-a d
: detaches from current sessionCtrl-a s
: switch between available tmux sessions$ tmux new -s <name>
: starts new session with a specific name$ tmux ls
: lists available tmux session(s)$ tmux attach -t <id>
: attaches to specific tmux session$ tmux attach
: reattaches to session$ tmux kill-session -t <id>
: kills a specific tmux sessionCtrl-a : kill-session
: kills a session from tmux command modeFor languages other than R one can use the vimcmdline plugin for nvim (or vim). Supported languages include Bash, Python, Golang, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia, Jupyter, Lisp, Macaulay2, Matlab, Prolog, Ruby, and Sage. The nvim terminal also colorizes the output, as in the screenshot below, where different colors are used for general output, positive and negative numbers, and the prompt line.
To install it, one needs to copy from the vimcmdline
repository the directories ftplugin
, plugin
and syntax
and their files to ~/.config/nvim/
. For user accounts of UCR’s HPCC, the above install script install_nvimRtmux
includes the install of vimcmdline
(since 09-Jun-18).
The usage of vimcmdline
is very similar to nvim-R
. To start a connected terminal session, one opens with nvim a code file with the extension of a given language (e.g. *.sh
for Bash or *.py
for Python), while the corresponding interactive interpreter session is initiated by pressing the key sequence \s
(corresponds to \rf
under nvim-R
). Subsequently, code lines can be sent with the space bar. More details are available here.
To try out the following instructions, users want to log into their HPCC account via ssh
, and then preferentially connect to a node by initializing an interactive srun
session. The latter mimics the best practices for a real workflow but is not necessary for this basic exercise.
srun --x11 --partition=short --mem=2gb --cpus-per-task 4 --ntasks 1 --time 1:00:00 --pty bash -l
it is important to assign the name of a partition a user has access to
, batch
, intel
and highmem
, see hereDownload R_for_HPC_demo.R
file to you HPCC account as follows.
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ucr-hpcc/ucr-hpcc.github.io/master/presentations/2020-12-18_Workshop/R_for_HPC/demo_files/R_for_HPC_demo.R
[ Scroll down to continue ]
Open nvim_demo.R
with nvim. The content of this file is shown in the following code block. Next, initialize a Nvim-connected R session with \rf
, and then execute the code by pressing the space bar on your keyboard.
library(tidyverse) write_tsv(iris, "iris.txt") # Creates sample file read_tsv("iris.txt") %>% # Import with read_tbv from readr package as_tibble() %>% group_by(Species) %>% summarize_all(mean) %>% reshape2::melt(id.vars=c("Species"), variable.name = "Samples", value.name="Values") %>% ggplot(aes(Samples, Values, fill = Species)) + geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity")
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If X11 is enabled in a user session then the above code will generate the following bar plot in a separate graphics window.
Which R versions are available can be listed with the following command.
module avail R
The version labeled default
is used by default. A specific R version can be loaded as follows.
module load R/4.0.1
Check which modules (including R) are loaded in a user’s environment.
module list
. Older versions of this package were released under the name BatchJobs
(Bischl et al. 2015).batchtools
supports both multi-core and multi-node computations with and without schedulers. By making use of cluster template files, most schedulers and queueing systems are supported (e.g. Torque, Sun Grid Engine, Slurm).This topic is covered in more detail in other tutorials. The following only provides a very brief overview of this submission method.
1. Create Slurm submission script, here called script_name.sh
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G #SBATCH --time=1-00:15:00 # 1 day and 15 minutes #SBATCH --mail-user=useremail@address.com #SBATCH --mail-type=ALL #SBATCH --job-name="some_test" #SBATCH -p short # Choose queue/partition from: intel, batch, highmem, gpu, short Rscript my_script.R
2. Submit R script (my_script.R
) called by above Slurm script with:
sbatch script_name.sh
for a computer cluster using SLURM as scheduler (workload manager). SLURM is the scheduler used by the HPCC.batchtools
First login to your cluster account, open R and execute the following lines. This will create a test directory (here mytestdir
), redirect R into this directory and then download the required files:
dir.create("mytestdir") setwd("mytestdir") download.file("https://bit.ly/3gZJBsy", "slurm.tmpl") download.file("https://bit.ly/3nvSNHA", ".batchtools.conf.R")
The following code defines a test function (here myFct
) that will be run on the cluster for demonstration purposes.
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The test function (myFct
) subsets the iris
data frame by rows, and appends the host name and R version of each node where the function was executed. The R version to be used on each node can be specified in the slurm.tmpl
file (under module load
library('RenvModule') module('load','slurm') # Loads slurm among other modules library(batchtools) myFct <- function(x) { Sys.sleep(10) # to see job in queue, pause for 10 sec result <- cbind(iris[x, 1:4,], Node=system("hostname", intern=TRUE), Rversion=paste(R.Version()[6:7], collapse=".")) }
The following creates a batchtools
registry, defines the number of jobs and resource requests, and then submits the jobs to the cluster via SLURM.
reg <- makeRegistry(file.dir="myregdir", conf.file=".batchtools.conf.R") Njobs <- 1:4 # Define number of jobs (here 4) ids <- batchMap(fun=myFct, x=Njobs) done <- submitJobs(ids, reg=reg, resources=list(partition="short", walltime=120, ntasks=1, ncpus=1, memory=1024)) waitForJobs() # Wait until jobs are completed
After the jobs are completed one can inspect their status as follows.
getStatus() # Summarize job status showLog(Njobs[1]) # killJobs(Njobs) # # Possible from within R or outside with scancel
The results are stored as .rds
files in the registry directory (here myregdir
). One can access them manually via readRDS
or use various convenience utilities provided by the batchtools
readRDS("myregdir/results/1.rds") # reads from rds file first result chunk loadResult(1) lapply(Njobs, loadResult) reduceResults(rbind) # Assemble result chunks in single data.frame do.call("rbind", lapply(Njobs, loadResult))
By default existing registries will not be overwritten. If required one can explicitly clean and delete them with the following functions.
clearRegistry() # Clear registry in R session removeRegistry(wait=0, reg=reg) # Delete registry directory # unlink("myregdir", recursive=TRUE) # Same as previous line
Loading a registry can be useful when accessing the results at a later state or after moving them to a local system.
from_file <- loadRegistry("myregdir", conf.file=".batchtools.conf.R") reduceResults(rbind)
Bischl, Bernd, Michel Lang, Olaf Mersmann, Jörg Rahnenführer, and Claus Weihs. 2015. “BatchJobs and BatchExperiments: Abstraction Mechanisms for Using R in Batch Environments.” Journal of Statistical Software. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v64/i11/.