News and announcements

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Note: for the most current information on exceptions on HPCC’s cluster please consult its Alerts or Twitter pages.

Mar 2021

  • Viet Pham joins HPCC as HPC systems administrator. - Welcome Viet!

May/Jun 2020

  • Melody Asghari joins HPCC as HPC systems administrator assistant. - Welcome Melody!

Mar/Apr 2020

  • For updates on HPCC’s operation during the COVID-19 crisis please visit the Alerts page of this site.

Sep 2019

  • Travis Nasser joins HPCC as HPC systems administrator assistant. - Welcome Travis!
  • Major updates applied. - Check here for important changes.

Aug 2019

  • Charles Forsyth left the position of HPC systems administrator and has moved on to new opportunities. - Good luck Chuck!

Apr 2018

  • Abraham Park joins HPCC as HPC systems administrator assistant. - Welcome Abe!

Jun 2017

  • Charles Forsyth joins HPCC as new full-time HPC systems administrator. - Welcome Chuck!

Feb 2017

With funding provided by Michael Pazzani’s office (RED) we were able to purchase and install major hardware upgrades. This included the following hardware resources:

  • Added 28 Intel nodes with a total of 896 CPU cores (or 1,792 logical CPU cores) and 512 GB of RAM per node
  • Added 8 NVIDIA K80 GPUs increasing total number of cuda cores in GPU queue to 59,904
  • Redesign of Infiniband network to support new computer nodes and enhance future scalabilty of IB network to over 1000 nodes

Dec 2016

  • UCR approval of plans to form HPC Center

Sept 2016

  • Expansion of GPFS storage system: 2 disk enclosures for 120 8TB drives
  • Expansion of high-memory queue: 4 nodes
  • Install of new Intel batch queue: 12 nodes

Mar 2016

  • Expansion of batch queues: 14 nodes

Apr 2015

  • Deployment of new FDR IB network @ 56Gbs
  • Deployment of 28 AMD nodes (2,048 AMD cores), funded by NSF-MRI-2014
  • Deployment of high-memory Intel nodes (each with 1TB RAM)
  • Deployment of GPU nodes (NVIDIA K80)
  • Deployment of big data GPFS disk storage system, funded by NIH-S10-2014

May 2014

Award of equipment grants from NSF and NIH

  • NIH-S10-2014 (1S10OD016290-01A1): $652,816
  • NSF-MRI-2014 (MRI-1429826): $783,537